Bonjour, les amoureux! Are you ready to learn the language of love? French is often called “le langage de l’amour” (the language of love), and for good reason! Whether you’re in a budding romance with a French speaker or simply want to add some romantic flair to your French vocabulary, this guide will help you express your feelings avec élégance.
Understanding French Love Culture
Before we dive into the phrases, it’s important to understand that love in French culture is often expressed through:
- Looks and gestures
- Intention and complicity
- A game of seduction
- Privileged moments together
Remember, the French often engage in a subtle dance of seduction before expressing deep feelings of love.
From Crush to Commitment: French Love Phrases for Every Stage

1. The Beginnings of a Relationship
- Je t’aime = I love you (Note: This can be used for romantic love, family, and close friends)
- Tu me plais (beaucoup) = I like you (a lot)
- J’aime être avec toi = I like being with you
- Je tiens beaucoup à toi = I really care about you
- Tu me manques (beaucoup) = I miss you (very much)
- J’aimerais passer plus de temps avec toi = I would like to spend more time with you
Caution: “Je t’aime beaucoup” often expresses friendship, not romantic love.
2. Confessing Your Feelings
- Je suis amoureux/amoureuse de toi = I am in love with you (use amoureux for men, amoureuse for women)
- Je suis en train de tomber amoureux/amoureuse de toi = I’m falling in love with you
3. Expressing Passionate Love
- Je suis fou/folle de toi = I’m crazy about you (fou for men, folle for women)
- Je t’aime à la folie = I love you like crazy
- Je pense à toi jour et nuit = I think about you day and night
- Je t’ai dans la peau = I’ve got you under my skin
- Je ne peux plus me passer de toi = I can’t live without you
4. Planning for the Future
- Je veux vivre avec toi = I want to live with you
- Je vais passer le reste de ma vie avec toi = I will spend the rest of my life with you
- Je veux fonder une famille avec toi = I want to start a family with you
- Je voudrais que tu sois le père/la mère de mes enfants = I would like you to be the father/mother of my children
5. Expressing Lasting Love
- Tu es mon grand amour = You are my great love
- Tu me rends très heureux/heureuse = You make me very happy
- Je t’aime comme au premier jour = I love you like the first day
- Je t’aime du plus profond de mon âme = I love you from the depths of my soul
6. Popping the Question
- Veux-tu m’épouser? = Will you marry me?
- Veux-tu être ma femme/mon mari? = Will you be my wife/husband?
Romantic French Terms of Endearment

- Mon chéri/Ma chérie = My darling (chéri for men, chérie for women)
- Ma moitié = My better half
- Mon cœur = My heart
Fun French Love Idioms
- Avoir un cœur d’artichaut = To have an artichoke heart (falls in love easily)
- Mon cœur bat la chamade = My heart beats wildly [for you]
Quiz Time!
Test your knowledge of French love expressions:
- How would you say “I like you a lot” in French?
- What’s the difference between “Je t’aime” and “Je t’aime beaucoup”?
- How do you say “I’m falling in love with you” if you’re a woman speaking?
- What’s a romantic way to say “I miss you” in French?
- How would you propose marriage in French?
Remember, the most important part of expressing love is sincerity. Use these phrases with genuine feeling, and you’ll be speaking the language of love fluently in no time. Bonne chance et bon amour!