When learning French, it can be very helpful to know expressions for giving advice to someone. Here are some basic French phrases that will allow you to make recommendations or suggestions to a friend or family member.

Table of Contents
Toggle1. Use the verb "devoir"
First, you can use the verb “devoir” (meaning “must” or “should”) to give advice. Using “devoir” expresses what is recommended.
For example:
“Tu devrais faire plus d’exercice” (You should exercise more).
“Vous devriez consulter un médecin” (You should see a doctor).
2. Je te conseille de...
Another very common phrase is “Je te conseille de…” (I advise you to…). This is followed by an infinitive verb to state the advice. For instance: “Je te conseille d’étudier davantage” (I advise you to study more). Or: “Je vous conseille de vous reposer” (I advise you to rest).
3. Je te recommande de...
You can say “Je te recommande de…” (I recommend that…) to politely introduce a piece of advice. Example: “Je vous recommande d’arriver tôt” (I recommend that you arrive early).
4. Tu ferais mieux de...
To give advice in a more casual way to a friend, you can use “Tu ferais mieux de…” (You’d better…). For example: “Tu ferais mieux d’économiser ton argent” (You’d better save your money). Or: “Vous feriez mieux de faire vérifier votre voiture” (You’d better get your car checked).
5. Je pense que tu devrais...
I think you should… Used to give one’s opinion or perspective on what is recommended.
- Je pense que tu devrais prendre des vacances. (I think you should take a vacation.)
- Je pense que tu devrais lui parler et régler ce problème. (I think you should talk to him and settle this problem.)
6. Je te suggère de...
I suggest that you… To make a polite proposal or recommendation.
- Je te suggère d’arriver plus tôt pour éviter les embouteillages. (I suggest you arrive earlier to avoid traffic jams.)
- Je te suggère d’épargner un peu d’argent chaque mois. (I suggest you save some money each month.)
7. Si j'étais toi...
If I were you… Allows you to put yourself in the other’s shoes to give advice.
- Si j’étais toi, j’accepterais ce nouveau poste. (If I were you, I would accept this new job position.)
- Si j’étais toi, je m’excuserais pour mon comportement. (If I were you, I would apologize for my behavior.)
8. À mon avis...
In my opinion… Introduces one’s point of view respectfully.
- À mon avis, tu devrais lui laisser plus d’espace. (In my opinion, you should give him more space.)
- À mon avis, vous feriez bien de vendre cette propriété. (In my opinion, you should sell this property.)
9. À ta place / À votre place...
If I were in your place… To imagine being in the other person’s situation and say what you would do.
- À ta place, je suivrais les conseils du médecin. (If I were in your place, I would follow the doctor’s advice.)
- À votre place, je négocierais un meilleur prix. (If I were in your place, I would negotiate a better price.)
10. Je te déconseille de...
I advise you against… To advise against something you think is a bad idea.
- Je te déconseille de procrastiner ton projet plus longtemps. (I advise you against procrastinating your project any longer.)
- Je vous déconseille d’investir dans cette entreprise risquée. (I advise you against investing in this risky business.)
11. Il vaudrait mieux que tu...
It would be better if you… Polite way to express what would be preferable.
- Il vaudrait mieux que tu demandes de l’aide si tu en as besoin. (It would be better if you ask for help if you need it.)
- Il vaudrait mieux que vous réserviez vos billets à l’avance. (It would be better if you book your tickets in advance.)
12. Je te recommande vivement de...
I strongly recommend that you… For a firm and enthusiastic recommendation.
- Je te recommande vivement de bien te reposer avant ton examen. (I strongly recommend you get plenty of rest before your exam.)
- Je vous recommande vivement d’apprendre quelques mots d’allemand avant votre voyage. (I strongly recommend you learn a few German words before your trip.)
13. Si j'étais à ta place...
If I were in your place… To put oneself in the other’s position to say what one would do.
- Si j’étais à ta place, j’irais m’excuser en personne. (If I were in your place, I would go apologize in person.)
- Si j’étais à votre place, je demanderais une augmentation. (If I were in your place, I would ask for a raise.)
14. Tu aurais intérêt à...
You would be wise to… Wise advice about what would benefit the other person.
- Tu aurais intérêt à commencer à économiser dès maintenant. (You would be wise to start saving money now.)
- Vous auriez intérêt à faire vérifier la voiture avant un long voyage. (You would be wise to get the car checked before a long trip.)
15. Ce serait une bonne idée de...
It would be a good idea to… To suggest something you think would be a good idea.
- Ce serait une bonne idée de s’excuser auprès de ton ami. (It would be a good idea to apologize to your friend.)
- Ce serait une bonne idée de partir plus tôt pour éviter les embouteillages. (It would be a good idea to leave earlier to avoid traffic jams.)
16. Je te recommande fortement de...
I strongly recommend that you… Very firm and serious recommendation.
- Je te recommande fortement de réviser davantage avant l’examen. (I strongly recommend that you review more before the exam.)
- Je vous recommande fortement d’investir dans des fonds sécurisés. (I strongly recommend investing in secure funds.)
17. Il serait préférable que...
It would be better if… Polite way to express what would be a better choice.
- Il serait préférable que tu lui en parles directement. (It would be better if you talk to him/her directly.)
- Il serait préférable que vous fassiez examiner ce contrat par un avocat. (It would be better if you had this contract examined by a lawyer.)
18. Si j'étais à ta/votre place...
If I were in your place… To put oneself in the other’s position to say what one would do.
- Si j’étais à ta place, j’écouterais les conseils de mes parents. (If I were you, I would listen to my parents’ advice.)
- Si j’étais à votre place, je négocierais un délai plus long. (If I were you, I would negotiate a longer deadline.)
19. Le mieux serait de...
The best thing would be to… To indicate the best option in one’s opinion.
- Le mieux serait de réserver longtemps à l’avance pour avoir de meilleurs tarifs. (The best thing would be to book far in advance to get better rates.)
- Le mieux serait d’être honnête au lieu de mentir. (The best thing would be to be honest instead of lying.)
20. Je te déconseille fortement de...
I strongly advise against… To strongly advise against something you think is a very bad idea.
- Je te déconseille fortement de conduire après avoir bu. (I strongly advise against driving after drinking.)
- Je vous déconseille fortement d’investir dans cette entreprise à haut risque. (I strongly advise against investing in this high-risk company.)
21. Il serait dans ton intérêt de...
It would be in your best interest to… To emphasize that something would benefit the other person.
- Il serait dans ton intérêt d’écouter les critiques pour t’améliorer. (It would be in your best interest to listen to feedback to improve.)
- Il serait dans votre intérêt de consulter un expert financier. (It would be in your best interest to consult a financial expert.)
22. Je te suggère fortement de...
I strongly suggest that you… To insistently propose something.
- Je te suggère fortement de t’excuser pour ton comportement. (I strongly suggest you apologize for your behavior.)
- Je vous suggère fortement de lire le contrat en détail avant de signer. (I strongly suggest you read the contract thoroughly before signing.)
23. Le plus sage serait de...
The wisest thing would be to… To highlight the most sensible decision in one’s opinion.
- Le plus sage serait de ne pas prendre de décision hâtive. (The wisest thing would be not to make a rushed decision.)
- Le plus sage serait de commencer à économiser dès maintenant pour la retraite. (The wisest thing would be to start saving now for retirement.)
24. Es-tu certain que...?
Are you sure that…? To question the other’s certainty about a decision.
- Es-tu certain que démissionner soit une bonne idée ? (Are you sure quitting is a good idea?)
- Êtes-vous certaine de vouloir acheter une maison sans faire d’inspection ? (Are you sure you want to buy a house without getting an inspection?)
Summary Table
Expression | English Translation | Explanation |
Je pense que tu devrais... | I think you should... | Used to give one's opinion on what is recommended. |
Je te suggère de... | I suggest that you... | To make a polite proposal or recommendation. |
Si j'étais toi... | If I were you... | Allows you to put yourself in the other's shoes. |
À mon avis... | In my opinion... | Introduces one's point of view respectfully. |
À ta place / À votre place... | If I were in your place... | Imagine being in the other's situation. |
Je te déconseille de... | I advise you against... | Advise against something you think is a bad idea. |
Il vaudrait mieux que tu... | It would be better if you... | Polite way to express what would be preferable. |
Je te recommande vivement de... | I strongly recommend that you... | For a firm and enthusiastic recommendation. |
Si j'étais à ta place... | If I were in your place... | Put oneself in the other's position. |
Tu aurais intérêt à... | You would be wise to... | Wise advice about what would benefit the other. |
Of course, there are many other ways to phrase advice in French. But mastering these basic expressions will be very helpful for interacting and having everyday discussions where you want to make thoughtful recommendations. Don’t be afraid to try them out and practice using them!
The more you practice giving advice in French, the more natural it will become. Don’t be discouraged if it feels awkward at first. With time and effort, you’ll be able to express advice clearly and comfortably in your daily French conversations. Giving advice is also a great way to show you care about someone and want to help them.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some good expressions for polite advice in French?
Some good expressions for polite advice include “Je te suggère de…”, “Je te recommande de…”, and “À mon avis…”. Using conditionals like “Si j’étais toi” is also polite.
How do you strongly recommend something in French?
To strongly recommend something, use “Je te recommande fortement de…” or “Je te recommande vivement de…”. You can also say “Je te conseille vivement de…”.
What is a natural way to give everyday advice in French?
Some natural, everyday expressions for advice include “Tu devrais…”, “Tu ferais mieux de…”, and “Si j’étais toi, je…”. Using the conditional or putting yourself in the other’s shoes sounds more casual.
How do you tell someone not to do something in French?
To advise someone not to do something, use “Je te déconseille de…” or the stronger “Je te déconseille fortement de…”. You can also simply say “Tu ne devrais pas…”.
What is the difference between “devoir” and “pouvoir” for advice in French?
“Devoir” is used for advice and means “should” as an obligation or recommendation. “Pouvoir” means “can” and is generally not used for advice, but rather for permission or possibility.
How do you check if someone is certain about their decision in French?
You can check certainty by asking “Es-tu sûr(e) que…?” or “Es-tu certain(e) de…?”. This questions if they are sure or certain about their decision.
What is the best way to learn how to give advice in French?
The best way is to practice using different expressions in conversations. Pay attention to advice in French media. And use resources like this article to build vocabulary and grammar skills.