When you’re trying to describe how you feel, sometimes it’s hard to find the right words. If you’re learning French, though, you’ve got a whole new set of adjectives at your disposal to help paint a picture of your emotions. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common French adjectives used to describe feelings.

French Adjectives to Describe Feelings
Masculine | Feminine | English Translation |
Heureux | Heureuse | Happy |
Content | Contente | Happy |
Jaloux | Jalouse | Jealous |
Aimé | Aimée | Loved |
Optimiste | Optimiste | Optimistic |
Ravi | Ravie | Delighted |
Détendu | Détendue | Relaxed |
Triste | Triste | Sad |
Pessimiste | Pessimiste | Pessimistic |
Malheureux | Malheureuse | Unhappy |
Déprimé | Déprimée | Depressed |
Fâché | Fâchée | Angry |
Furieux | Furieuse | Furious |
Fatigué | Fatiguée | Tired |
Exténué | Exténuée | Exhausted |
Cassé | Cassée | Broken/Exhausted |
Anxieux | Anxieuse | Anxious |
Nerveux | Nerveuse | Nervous |
Inquiet | Inquiète | Worried |
Stressé | Stressée | Stressed |
Choqué | Choquée | Shocked |
Surpris | Surprise | Surprised |
Horrifié | Horrifiée | Horrified |
Effrayé | Effrayée | Scared |
Impatient | Impatiente | Impatient |
Timide | Timide | Shy |
Assuré | Assurée | Insured |
Malade | Malade | Sick |
When it comes to expressing our emotions, sometimes words just aren’t enough. That’s where French adjectives come in! These words can help us describe our feelings in a more specific and accurate way.