Are you a student who is struggling to improve your French? Do you find yourself constantly making mistakes in your sentences? If so, don’t worry – you are not alone. Many students find it difficult to construct simple French sentences. However, with a little practice, it is possible to improve your skills and start communicating like a native speaker.
In this blog post, we will be discussing some basic French sentences that students can use in their everyday lives. These sentences will cover topics such as greetings, introductions, and simple conversation starters. By the end of this blog post, students should feel more confident using French in their daily lives!

Simple English Sentences for Students
We will be covering some basic, daily French sentences. These sentences will be great for students who are just starting to learn the language, or for those who need a refresher.
1- Je m’appelle ____________
2- Je suis ____________
3- Tu es ____________
4- Il/Elle est ____________
5- Nous sommes ____________
6- Vous êtes ____________
7- Ils/Elles sont ____________
8- J’ai ____________ ans.
9- Je peux sortir s’il vous plaît ?
10- Après le déjeuner, nous irons à la bibliothèque.
11- Pourriez-vous me donner un stylo ?
12- Puis-je entrer monsieur ?
13- Bonsoir professeur.
14- Je peux aller aux toilettes ?
15- Maman, je n’ai pas fait mes devoirs.
16- Désolé, je suis en retard.
17- Qui est ton professeur de classe ?
18- Tu ne pourras pas t’occuper de lui.
19- Tu as compris ce que je voulais dire ?
20- J’ai beaucoup de choses à dire.
21- S’il vous plaît, nettoyez le tableau.
22- S’il te plaît, viens le plus vite possible.
23- Comment allez-vous aujourd’hui ?
24- C’est la dernière leçon d’anglais ?
25- Je suis désolé, je n’ai pas entendu.
26- As-tu une agrafeuse ?
27- Je ne comprends pas.
28- Mai, j’ai un crayon s’il vous plaît.
29- On se parle plus tard.
30- Je vais faire de mon mieux.
31- Je ne peux pas être d’accord avec vos opinions.
32- Bravo ! Continuez comme ça !
33- Autre chose ?
34- Arrêtez de faire autant de bruit !
35- Marchez prudemment.
36- Va doucement de la foule.
37- Comment vous sentez-vous ?
38- Je suis très strict à ce sujet.
39- Je suis occupé en ce moment.
40- Il faut le faire.
41- Quelle est ta matière préférée ?
42- Tous mes calculs sont faux.
43- Il a marqué un but lors du match.
44- Conduis prudemment.
45- Pardonne-moi !
46- Que Dieu vous bénisse !
47- Ne me dérangez pas !
48- Quoi qu’il arrive !
1- My name is ____________
2- I am ____________
3- You are ____________
4- He/She is ____________
5- We are ____________
6- You are ____________
7- They are ____________
8- I am ____________ years old.
9- May I go out please?
10- After lunch, we will go to the library.
11- Could you give me a pen.
12- May I come in sir!
13- Good evening teacher.
14- Can I go to the toilet?
15- Mam, I haven’t done my homework.
16- Sorry, for being late.
17- Who is your class teacher?
18- You will not be able to deal with him.
19- Did you get my point?
20- I have a lot to talk about.
21- Please clean the board.
22- Please come as soon as possible.
23- How are you today?
24- Is the last lesson in English?
25- I am sorry, I didn’t hear.
26- Do you have a stapler?
27- I don’t understand.
28- May, I have a pencil please.
29- Talk to you later.
30- I will try my level best.
31- I cannot agree with your opinions.
32- Well done! Keep it up!
33- Anything else?
34- Stop making such a noise!
35- Walk carefully.
36- Go slow from the crowd.
37- How do you feel?
38- I am very strict on this matter.
39- I am busy at the moment.
40- It has to be done.
41- What is your favorite subject?
42- All my calculations went wrong.
43- He scored a goal in the match.
44- Drive carefully.
45- Forgive me!
46- God bless you!
47- Do not disturb!
48- Come what may!
By repeating these sentences out loud, you can start to improve your pronunciation and become more confident in your speaking ability. So let’s get started!