Are you learning French and want to express your thoughts more eloquently? Whether you’re engaging in a discussion, sharing your perspective, or offering advice, knowing different ways to say “In my opinion” can make your French conversations more nuanced and sophisticated. In this guide, we’ll explore 15 versatile phrases to express your opinion in French, perfect for beginners!
Table of Contents
ToggleWhy Learn Different Ways to Say “In My Opinion” in French?
Learning varied expressions not only enriches your French vocabulary but also helps you communicate more effectively in different contexts. Plus, it allows you to sound more natural and fluent when sharing your thoughts in French.

15 Sophisticated Ways to Say “In My Opinion” in French
Let’s dive into these thoughtful phrases:
- À mon avis – The standard way to say “In my opinion”
- Pronunciation: ah mon a-vee
- This is the most common and versatile expression
- Pour moi – A simple way to express “For me”
- Pronunciation: poor mwa
- Used to introduce a personal perspective
- D’après moi – Similar to “According to me”
- Pronunciation: da-prey mwa
- Suggests a more considered opinion
- Selon moi – Another way to say “According to me”
- Pronunciation: suh-lon mwa
- Often used in more formal contexts
- (Moi) personnellement – To emphasize a personal view
- Pronunciation: (mwa) per-so-nel-mahn
- Means: “(Me) personally”
- Je pense que – A direct way to say “I think that”
- Pronunciation: zhuh pons kuh
- Introduces your thoughts clearly
- En ce qui me concerne – For a more formal expression
- Pronunciation: on suh kee muh kon-sern
- Means: “As far as I’m concerned”
- Quant à moi – To introduce your perspective in a discussion
- Pronunciation: kon ah mwa
- Means: “As for me”
- À ce qu’il me semble – When you’re not entirely certain
- Pronunciation: ah suh keel muh som-bluh
- Means: “It seems to me”
- Pour ma part – To give your individual perspective
- Pronunciation: poor ma par
- Means: “For my part”
- De mon point de vue – To emphasize your viewpoint
- Pronunciation: duh mon pwan duh voo
- Means: “From my point of view”
- À ma connaissance – When speaking from your knowledge
- Pronunciation: ah ma ko-nay-sons
- Means: “To my knowledge”
- À la réflexion – After giving it some thought
- Pronunciation: ah la ray-flex-yon
- Means: “Upon reflection”
- Sauf erreur de ma part – When you’re not entirely sure
- Pronunciation: sof eh-rur duh ma par
- Means: “Unless I’m mistaken”
- Mon sentiment, c’est que – To express a feeling or intuition
- Pronunciation: mon son-tee-mon say kuh
- Means: “My feeling is that”
Tips for Using These Expressions
- Consider the formality of the situation when choosing an expression.
- Use these phrases to soften strong statements or disagreements.
- Combine different expressions for variety in longer discussions.
- Remember that tone and context are important when expressing opinions.
Practice Makes Perfect!
Try incorporating these phrases into your French conversations when sharing your thoughts. Remember, the key to sounding natural is practice and understanding the context.
Your Turn to Share Your Perspective!
Do you know any other ways to say “In my opinion” in French? Share your favorite expressions in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other and expand our French vocabulary for expressing thoughts and ideas!
Learning these expressions will not only help you share your opinions more effectively in French but also give you insight into the nuanced and expressive nature of the language. Bonne chance (Good luck) with your French learning journey, and remember – à mon avis, you’re doing great