The French word for water is “eau” [O] is a feminine noun “ une eau,” the plural is: “les eaux.”
You can’t simply say “je veux eau.” It’s not correct French. I’m trying to say that “eau” can’t stand alone but needs to be accompanied.
Puis-je avoir de l’eau? (can I have some water ?)
Je voudrais un verre d’eau. (I’d like a glass of water).
Je bois de l’eau. (I am drinking water).
Cette eau sent mauvais. (this water smell bad).
L’eau de mer. (sea water).
How To Pronounce “Eau” In French?
The word “eau” is pronounced [O].
In French, anytime you find the letters “eau” in a word they are pronounced [O], for example:
More French Water Terms
La pluie :
La flotte (slang) :
Rain / water
La mer :
The sea
L’océan :
The ocean
Une fontaine :
Un robinet :
Top 10 Expressions About Water
Tomber à l’eau
Definition: To be canceled or abandoned, no longer considered.
Avoir l’eau à la bouche / mettre l’eau à la bouche
Definition: to be attracted or tempted by something that makes you want to.
Comme un poisson dans l’eau
Definition: Being very comfortable.
Se ressembler comme deux gouttes d’eau
Definition: to look exactly the same.
Ça coule de source
Definition: to be obvious, logical, natural, or spontaneous.
C’est la goutte d’eau qui fait déborder le vase
Definition: The tension, anger, or irritation is at its peak and is ready to “explode”.
Être sous l’eau
Definition: to be overwhelmed, often by a quantity of work or tasks to be completed.
Nager entre deux eaux
Definition: When a person is indecisive, has difficulty making a decision or commitment.
Se méfier de l’eau qui dort
Definition: Beware of people who seem calm or honest but who may be hiding their game!
L’eau a coulé sous les ponts
Definition: A lot of time has passed; things have evolved and don’t look like they used to.
Now you know how to say perfectly water in french, so move to the next lesson, 14 Ways to Say Goodbye in French with Audio Pronunciation.