Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a flying novice, mastering airport terminology is essential to optimize your experience. From check-in to baggage claim, including security checks, you will encounter very specific vocabulary. In this article, we will review the key words you’ll need to navigate any French-speaking airport smoothly.
We’ll start with arrival procedures at the airport, with terms like check-in, boarding pass, and passport control. We’ll continue with terminology for the different areas of the airport, like the waiting lounge, departure lounge, and duty-free zone. Of course, we’ll also cover all the necessary vocabulary for boarding, including the jet bridge, gate, and travel class. Finally, we’ll finish with disembarking procedures, from baggage claim to clearing customs.
With this comprehensive guide to airport lexicon, you’ll be able to navigate any French-speaking airport with confidence and ease. So let’s take off on a tour of the essential terms!

Table of Contents
ToggleVocabulaire de base de l'aéroport - Basic airport vocabulary
French | English |
Aéroport | Airport |
Aérogare | Terminal |
Hall d'embarquement | Departure lounge |
Porte d'embarquement | Gate |
Enregistrement | Check-in |
Comptoir d'enregistrement | Check-in desk |
Carte d'embarquement | Boarding pass |
Embarquement | Boarding |
Contrôle de sécurité | Security check |
Contrôle des passeports | Passport control |
Zone d'attente | Waiting area |
Zone duty-free | Duty-free area |
Tapis à bagages | Baggage claim |
Carrousel à bagages | Baggage carousel |
Livraison des bagages | Baggage reclaim |
Chariot à bagages | Baggage cart |
Arrivée | Arrival |
Départ | Departure |
Horaire des vols | Flight schedule |
Tableau des départs | Departure board |
Vol | Flight |
Terminal | Terminal |
Correspondance | Connection |
Avion | Plane |
Piste d'atterrissage | Runway |
Tour de contrôle | Control tower |
Pilote | Pilot |
Équipage | Crew |
Contrôleur aérien | Air traffic controller |
Bagages | Luggage |
Bagage à main | Carry-on luggage |
Bagage enregistré | Checked luggage |
Douane | Customs |
Immigration | Immigration |
Service d'immigration | Immigration service |
Vestiaire | Left luggage office |
Guichet d'information | Information desk |
Atterissage | Landing |
Décollage | Takeoff |
Turbulence | Turbulence |
Escale | Stopover |
Changer d'avion | Change planes |
Annuler un vol | Cancel a flight |
Retarder un vol | Delay a flight |
Siège | Seat |
Classe économique | Economy class |
Première classe | First class |
Classe affaires | Business class |
Réserver un siège | Reserve a seat |
Franchise de bagages | Baggage allowance |
Supplément bagages | Extra baggage fee |
Perte de bagages | Lose luggage |
Déclaration | Declare |
Rien à déclarer | Nothing to declare |
Contrôle de sécurité | Security screening |
Scanner | Scanner |
Fouiller des bagages | Search luggage |
Liquides et gels | Liquids and gels |
Objets tranchants | Sharp objects |
Personnel au sol | Ground staff |
Agent de comptoir | Check-in agent |
Agent d'embarquement | Gate agent |
Hôtesse de l'air | Flight attendant |
Commandant de bord | Captain |
Panneaux d'affichage | Display boards |
Panneaux de signalisation | Signage |
Toilettes | Restrooms |
Salle d'embarquement | Boarding area |
Passerelle d'embarquement | Jet bridge |
Annulation de vol | Flight cancellation |
Retard | Delay |
Porte fermée | Gate closed |
Enregistrement terminé | Check-in completed |
En savoir plus sur les vols | Flight information |
Consigne des bagages | Left luggage |
Zone fumeurs | Smoking area |
Sortie | Exit |
Enregistrement à l'aéroport - Airport check-in
French | English |
Enregistrement | Check-in |
Comptoir d'enregistrement | Check-in desk |
Carte d'embarquement | Boarding pass |
Contrôle de sécurité | Security check |
Embarquement et départ - Boarding and departure
French | English |
Porte d'embarquement | Gate |
Embarquement | Boarding |
Contrôle des passeports | Passport control |
Zone d'attente | Waiting area |
Tapis à bagages | Baggage claim |
Carrousel à bagages | Baggage carousel |
Livraison des bagages | Baggage reclaim |
Expérience à bord - Onboard experience
French | English |
Siège | Seat |
Classe économique | Economy class |
Première classe | First class |
Classe affaires | Business class |
Perte de bagages | Lose luggage |
Déclaration | Declare |
Rien à déclarer | Nothing to declare |
Arrivée à la destination - Arrival at destination
French | English |
Immigration | Immigration |
Douane | Customs |
Vestiaire | Left luggage office |
Guichet d'information | Information desk |
Atterissage | Landing |
Décollage | Takeoff |
Turbulence | Turbulence |
Escale | Stopover |
Changer d'avion | Change planes |
Annuler un vol | Cancel a flight |
Retarder un vol | Delay a flight |
Termes divers - Various terms
French | English |
Liquides et gels | Liquids and gels |
Objets tranchants | Sharp objects |
Personnel au sol | Ground staff |
Agent de comptoir | Check-in agent |
Agent d'embarquement | Gate agent |
Hôtesse de l'air | Flight attendant |
Commandant de bord | Captain |
Panneaux d'affichage | Display boards |
Panneaux de signalisation | Signage |
Toilettes | Restrooms |
Salle d'embarquement | Boarding area |
Passerelle d'embarquement | Jet bridge |
Annulation de vol | Flight cancellation |
Retard | Delay |
Porte fermée | Gate closed |
Enregistrement terminé | Check-in completed |
En savoir plus sur les vols | Flight information |
Consigne des bagages | Left luggage |
Zone fumeurs | Smoking area |
In conclusion, mastery of French airport terminology is indispensable for smooth travels. This linguistic guide has illuminated critical aviation lexis spanning the entirety of the airport experience. Check-in, security, boarding, baggage claim – all these procedures employ specialized French vocabulary that is now at your fingertips. With this expanded French language proficiency, you can adeptly navigate any airport in the Francophone world. Bon voyage! Airport signage, announcements, staff interactions will pose no comprehension barriers. Your next travel escapade will overflow with assurance as French aviation terms fall readily from your lips. This vocabulary toolbelt is a passport to streamlined French-speaking flights.
The paragraph uses advanced vocabulary and complex sentence structures to achieve a higher readability level. Let me know if you would like me to modify the conclusion further for an even higher level of readability. I’m happy to rewrite it with more sophisticated language and semantics. Just say the word!