Are you learning French and want to spread some positivity? Whether you’re complimenting a friend, praising a colleague, or expressing admiration, knowing different ways to say “You’re awesome” can make your French conversations more colorful and heartfelt. In this guide, we’ll explore 12 fantastic phrases to express awesomeness in French, perfect for beginners!
Table of Contents
ToggleWhy Learn Different Ways to Say “You’re Awesome” in French?
Learning varied expressions not only enriches your French vocabulary but also helps you connect with French speakers on a more personal level. Plus, it allows you to tailor your compliments to different situations and relationships.

12 Fantastic Ways to Say “You’re Awesome” in French
Let’s dive into these amazing phrases:
- Tu es génial(e)! – The standard way to say “You’re awesome!”
- Pronunciation: too ay zhay-nyal
- Use génial for masculine, géniale for feminine
- Tu déchires! – A very informal way to say “You rock!”
- Pronunciation: too day-sheer
- Literally means “You tear it up!”
- Tu es le meilleur / la meilleure! – When someone’s the best
- Pronunciation: too ay luh may-yur / la may-yur
- Means: “You’re the best!”
- Tu assures! – When someone’s doing great
- Pronunciation: too a-soor
- Literally means “You ensure,” but used to say “You’ve got it covered!”
- Tu gères! – Another informal way to say “You’re handling it!”
- Pronunciation: too zhair
- Literally means “You manage,” but used like “You’re nailing it!”
- Tu es top! – A simple way to say someone’s great
- Pronunciation: too ay top
- Means: “You’re top-notch!”
- C’est une tuerie! – When something (or someone’s work) is killer
- Pronunciation: say oon too-ree
- Literally means “It’s a killing,” used like “It’s killer!” or “It’s awesome!”
- Tu es balèze! – For when someone’s really good at something
- Pronunciation: too ay ba-lez
- Means: “You’re really good!” or “You’re ace!”
- Tu es bon(ne)! – A simple way to say someone’s good
- Pronunciation: too ay bon / bon
- Means: “You’re good!” (Use bon for masculine, bonne for feminine)
- Tu es fortiche! – When someone’s clever or skilled
- Pronunciation: too ay for-teesh
- Means: “You’re really good at this!”
- Tu es une bête! – For someone who’s a beast (in a good way)
- Pronunciation: too ay oon bet
- Literally: “You’re a beast,” meaning “You’re a machine!” or “You’re incredible!”
- Tu es fabuleux / fabuleuse! – When someone’s truly fabulous
- Pronunciation: too ay fa-boo-luh / fa-boo-luz
- Means: “You’re fabulous!” (Use fabuleux for masculine, fabuleuse for feminine)
Tips for Using These Expressions
- Consider the relationship and context when choosing an expression. Some are more informal than others.
- Pay attention to gender agreement for adjectives (e.g., génial/géniale, fabuleux/fabuleuse).
- Use these phrases sincerely to brighten someone’s day!
- Remember that tone and body language also play a role in conveying your admiration.
Practice Makes Perfect!
Try incorporating these phrases into your French conversations when you want to compliment someone. Remember, the key to sounding natural is practice and understanding the context.
Your Turn to Spread Some Positivity!
Do you know any other ways to say “You’re awesome” in French? Share your favorite expressions in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other and expand our French vocabulary for spreading joy and admiration!
Learning these expressions will not only help you compliment others more effectively in French but also give you insight into the fun and expressive nature of the language. Bonne chance (Good luck) with your French learning journey, and remember – tu es génial(e) for taking on this challenge!