Are you learning French and feeling the heat? Whether you’re chatting about the weather with French friends or trying to express your discomfort on a sweltering day, knowing different ways to say “It’s hot” can make your French conversations more colorful and authentic. In this guide, we’ll explore 11 expressive phrases to describe hot weather in French, perfect for beginners!
Table of Contents
ToggleWhy Learn Different Ways to Say “It’s Hot”?
Learning varied expressions not only enriches your French vocabulary but also helps you sound more like a native speaker. Plus, talking about the weather is a universal conversation starter, making these phrases particularly useful for socializing in French!

11 Heat-Packed Expressions to Say “It’s Hot” in French
Let’s dive into these sizzling phrases:
- Il fait chaud! – The classic way to say “It’s hot!”
- Pronunciation: eel fay sho
- Literally means: “It makes hot”
- Quelle chaleur! – Exclaiming about the heat
- Pronunciation: kel sha-lur
- Means: “What heat!”
- Ça tape dehors! – A colloquial way to describe intense sun
- Pronunciation: sa tap duh-or
- Literally means: “It’s hitting outside!”
- This expression refers to the sun beating down strongly.
- Je suis en nage! – Describing your own state in the heat
- Pronunciation: zhuh swee on nazh
- Means: “I’m drenched in sweat!”
- Il fait une chaleur torride! – For when it’s scorching hot
- Pronunciation: eel fay oon sha-lur to-reed
- Means: “It’s torrid heat!”
- C’est étouffant! – When the heat is suffocating
- Pronunciation: say ay-too-fon
- Means: “It’s stifling!”
- Quelle chaleur de bête! – A colorful expression for intense heat
- Pronunciation: kel sha-lur duh bet
- Literally means: “What beastly heat!”
- Je fonds, je n’en peux plus! – Expressing that you’re melting from the heat
- Pronunciation: zhuh fon, zhuh non puh ploo
- Means: “I’m melting, I can’t take it anymore!”
- Il fait un soleil de plomb! – Describing a blazing sun
- Pronunciation: eel fay un so-lay duh plon
- Literally means: “There’s a lead sun!”
- This expression suggests the sun feels as heavy and oppressive as lead.
- Ça cogne! – Another colloquial expression for intense heat
- Pronunciation: sa kohn-yuh
- Literally means: “It’s knocking!”
- This suggests the heat is hitting hard, like repeated knocks.
- Il fait une chaleur accablante! – Describing overwhelming heat
- Pronunciation: eel fay oon sha-lur a-ka-blont
- Means: “It’s overwhelmingly hot!”
Tips for Using These Expressions
- Pay attention to context: Some expressions are more casual than others.
- Practice the pronunciations to sound more natural.
- Use these phrases to start conversations about the weather with French speakers.
Your Turn to Beat the Heat in French!
Now that you’ve learned these expressions, try using them next time you’re speaking French on a hot day. Remember, the key to sounding natural is practice and context.
Share Your Hot Takes!
Do you know any other ways to say “It’s hot” in French? Share your favorite expressions in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other and expand our French vocabulary together!