Are you learning French and want to express your amazement more colorfully? Whether you’re reacting to unexpected news or a pleasant surprise, knowing different ways to say “I’m surprised” can make your French conversations more expressive and authentic. In this guide, we’ll explore 15 delightful phrases to express surprise in French, perfect for beginners!
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ToggleWhy Learn Different Ways to Express Surprise in French?
Learning varied expressions not only enriches your French vocabulary but also helps you convey emotions more accurately and naturally. Plus, it allows you to react appropriately to different levels of surprise in various situations.

15 Expressive Ways to Say “I’m Surprised” in French
Let’s dive into these amazing phrases:
- Je suis surpris(e) – The standard way to say “I’m surprised”
- Pronunciation: zhuh swee soor-pree(z)
- Use surpris for masculine, surprise for feminine
- Je n’en reviens pas! – When you can’t believe it
- Pronunciation: zhuh non ruh-vyan pa
- Literally: “I’m not coming back from it”
- Equivalent to “I can’t believe it!”
- Je ne m’y attendais pas! – When something is unexpected
- Pronunciation: zhuh nuh mee a-ton-day pa
- Means: “I wasn’t expecting that!”
- Je suis épaté(e)! – When you’re amazed or impressed
- Pronunciation: zhuh swee ay-pa-tay
- A bit stronger than just being surprised
- Ça alors! – A general exclamation of surprise
- Pronunciation: sa a-lor
- Similar to “Well, I never!” or “My goodness!”
- Je n’en crois pas mes yeux! – When you can’t believe what you’re seeing
- Pronunciation: zhuh non krwa pa may zyuh
- Literally: “I don’t believe my eyes!”
- Quelle surprise! – A simple exclamation of surprise
- Pronunciation: kel soor-preez
- Means: “What a surprise!”
- J’en suis resté(e) baba! – A colloquial expression of astonishment
- Pronunciation: zhon swee res-tay ba-ba
- Literally: “I remained drooling”
- Similar to “I was dumbfounded”
- C’est sidérant! – When something is astounding
- Pronunciation: say see-day-ron
- Means: “It’s astounding!”
- Je suis estomaqué(e)! – When you’re utterly amazed
- Pronunciation: zhuh swee es-to-ma-kay
- Means: “I’m flabbergasted!”
- C’est époustouflant! – For breathtaking surprises
- Pronunciation: say ay-poos-too-flon
- Means: “It’s breathtaking!” or “It’s mind-blowing!”
- Je suis bouche bée! – When you’re speechless with surprise
- Pronunciation: zhuh swee boosh bay
- Literally: “I’m open-mouthed”
- Waouh! – An informal exclamation of surprise (borrowed from English)
- Pronunciation: wa-oo
- Use this for positive surprises, similar to “Wow!”
- Je suis abasourdi(e)! – When you’re stunned or dumbfounded
- Pronunciation: zhuh swee a-ba-soor-dee
- Expresses a stronger, more shocking surprise
- J’hallucine! – A very informal way to express disbelief
- Pronunciation: zha-loo-seen
- Literally: “I’m hallucinating”
- Similar to “I can’t believe my eyes!” or “Am I seeing things?”
Tips for Using These Expressions
- Consider the formality of the situation when choosing an expression.
- Pay attention to gender agreement for adjectives (e.g., surpris/surprise).
- Use facial expressions and tone of voice to enhance the impact of these phrases.
- Remember that some expressions are more colloquial and best used among friends.
Practice Makes Perfect!
Try incorporating these phrases into your French conversations when you encounter surprising situations. Remember, the key to sounding natural is practice and understanding the context.
Your Turn to Share Your Astonishment!
Do you know any other ways to express surprise in French? Share your favorite expressions in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other and expand our French emotional vocabulary together!
Learning these expressions will not only help you react more naturally to surprises in French but also give you insight into the rich and expressive nature of the language. Bonne chance (Good luck) with your French learning journey, and may it be full of pleasant surprises!