When meeting new people, it’s important to know how to greet them politely. In French, there are several ways to say “Nice to meet you.” Let’s explore six common expressions that’ll help you make a great first impression!

1. Enchanté(e)
Enchanté(e) (ahn-shahn-tay)
This is the most common and versatile way to say “Nice to meet you” in French.
- Use “Enchanté” if you’re a man.
- Use “Enchantée” if you’re a woman.
This is pronounced the same for both masculine and feminine forms.
Example: Bonjour, je m’appelle Marie. Enchantée! (Hello, my name is Marie. Nice to meet you!)
2. Ravi(e) de faire votre connaissance
Ravi(e) de faire votre connaissance (rah-vee duh fehr vo-truh koh-neh-sahnss)
This phrase means “Pleased to make your acquaintance.” It’s a bit more formal and polite.
- Use “Ravi” if you’re a man.
- Use “Ravie” if you’re a woman.
This is pronounced the same for both masculine and feminine forms.
Example: Je suis ravi de faire votre connaissance, Monsieur. (I’m pleased to make your acquaintance, Sir.)
3. Content(e) de vous rencontrer
Content(e) de vous rencontrer (kohn-tahn duh voo rahn-kohn-tray)
This friendly phrase translates to “Happy to meet you.”
- Use “Content” if you’re a man.
- Use “Contente” if you’re a woman.
Content de vous rencontrer
Contente de vous rencontrer
Example: Je suis contente de vous rencontrer, Paul. (I’m happy to meet you, Paul.)
4. C’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer
C’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer (seh uhn pleh-zeer duh voo rahn-kohn-tray)
This warm greeting means “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Example: Bonjour Anne, c’est un plaisir de vous rencontrer. (Hello Anne, it’s a pleasure to meet you.)
5. Heureux(se) de vous connaître
Heureux(se) de vous connaître (uh-ruh duh voo koh-neh-truh)
Another friendly option, this phrase means “Happy to know you.”
- Use “Heureux” if you’re a man.
- Use “Heureuse” if you’re a woman.
Heureux de vous connaître
Heureuse de vous connaître
Example: Je suis heureux de vous connaître, madame. (I’m happy to know you, madam.)
6. Enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance
This is a combination of the first two phrases. It means “Delighted to make your acquaintance” and is quite formal.
Enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance (ahn-shahn-tay duh fehr vo-truh koh-neh-sahnss), This is pronounced the same for both masculine and feminine forms.
Example: Enchanté de faire votre connaissance, Professeur Dubois. (Delighted to make your acquaintance, Professor Dubois.)
Quick Tip
Remember, many of these phrases change slightly depending on whether a man or woman is speaking. Pay attention to the (e) at the end of words like “enchanté(e)” or “ravi(e)” – add this ‘e’ if you’re a woman speaking.
Practice Time!
Try using these phrases next time you meet someone new in a French-speaking context. Don’t be shy – French speakers will appreciate your effort to use their language! Bonne chance! (Good luck!)