French verbs come in two types: regular and irregular. Regular verbs follow rules, but irregular verbs don’t. Let’s explore the difference!
Table of Contents
ToggleRegular Verbs
In French, regular verbs follow consistent rules for conjugation, making them easier to learn than irregular verbs. Regular verbs can be further categorized into 3 groups based on their verb endings: first group (-er), second group (-ir), and third group (-re). This helps organize verbs and is useful when learning conjugation patterns.
Regular -er verbs:
For -er verbs, the verb stem does not change. To conjugate, you remove the -er ending and add the endings:
-e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent
So parler (to speak) becomes:
- Je parle,
- Tu parles,
- Il/elle parle,
- Nous parlons,
- Vous parlez,
- Ils/elles parlent
This same ending pattern applies for all compound tenses like the passé composé, imperfect, and future. For example:
J’ai parlĂ© (I spoke), je parlais (I was speaking), je parlerai (I will speak)
The verb itself does not change, only the endings.
Other regular verbs:
Besides -er verbs, other regular verbs in French include:
- -ir verbs like finir (to finish)
- -re verbs like attendre (to wait)
- -oir verbs like recevoir (to receive)
These follow regular conjugation patterns with their own sets of endings:
-ir: -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent
-re: -s, -s, -â , -ons, -ez, -ent
-oir: -ois, -ois, -oit, -evons, -evez, -oivent
je finis
tu finis
il/elle/on finit
nous finissons
vous finissez
ils/elles finissent
tu attends
il/elle/on attend
nous attendons
vous attendez
ils/elles attendent
je reçois
tu reçois
il/elle/on reçoit
nous recevons
vous recevez
ils/elles reçoivent
All regular verbs share the trait of having a constant stem and only changing the endings. This makes memorizing their conjugations much easier.
In summary, understanding the rules for conjugating regular French verbs based on their endings (-er, -ir, -re, -oir) is an essential foundation for mastery of French verbal forms. With regular practice, conjugating these verbs will become second nature.
Irregular Verbs
Unlike regular verbs, irregular verbs in French do not follow standard rules for conjugation. Their endings or stems change unpredictably in certain forms, which must be memorized individually. While there are fewer irregular verbs than regular ones, some of the most common and useful French verbs are irregular.
Common Irregular Verb Changes:
Some patterns do emerge among irregular French verbs that can aid memorization:
- Changes to the stem vowel, like ‘e’ to ‘Ăš’ (prendre – to take: je prends) or ‘o’ to ‘eu’ (pouvoir – to be able to: je peux).
- Radical changes to the stem, like ‘v’ to ‘f’ (devoir – must: je dois)
- Orthographic changes, like adding or removing accents (Ă©crire – to write: j’Ă©cris).
- Irregular past participles not ending in -Ă© or -i, like ‘fait’ (faire – to do) and ‘vu’ (voir – to see).
Common Irregular Verbs:
The most frequent and important irregular verbs to learn in French include:
- Ătre – to be
- Avoir – to have
- Aller – to go
- Faire – to do/make
- Pouvoir – to be able to
- Vouloir – to want
- Devoir – must
- Dire – to say
- Lire – to read
These verbs are irregular in multiple forms, so memorizing their full conjugation tables is essential. Pay extra attention to high-use verbs like ĂȘtre, avoir, aller, and faire.
Irregular Verbs in Context:
When learning irregular verbs, practice using them in full sentences and phrases, not just isolated conjugation charts. This reinforces proper context and usage, for example:
- Est-ce que je peux aller au cinéma ce soir ? (Can I go to the movies tonight?)
- Il a fait ses devoirs hier. (He did his homework yesterday.)
- Ils sont allés au musée. (They went to the museum.)
Mastering common irregular verbs takes practice but is crucial for natural French speech and writing. With regular study, you’ll be able to use them confidently.
200 common irregular verbs in French
French Verb | Translation | Present Participle | Past Participle |
ĂȘtre | to be | Ă©tant | Ă©tĂ© |
avoir | to have | ayant | eu |
aller | to go | allant | allé |
faire | to do/make | faisant | fait |
dire | to say/tell | disant | dit |
pouvoir | to be able to | pouvant | pu |
vouloir | to want | voulant | voulu |
devoir | must/to have to | devant | dĂ» |
voir | to see | voyant | vu |
venir | to come | venant | venu |
prendre | to take | prenant | pris |
falloir | to be necessary | fallant | fallu |
valoir | to be worth | valant | valu |
mettre | to put | mettant | mis |
savoir | to know | sachant | su |
vouloir | to want | voulant | voulu |
pleuvoir | to rain | pleuvant | plu |
partir | to leave | partant | parti |
lire | to read | lisant | lu |
Ă©crire | to write | Ă©crivant | Ă©crit |
croĂźtre | to grow | croissant | crĂ» |
boire | to drink | buvant | bu |
croire | to believe | croyant | cru |
recevoir | to receive | recevant | reçu |
courir | to run | courant | couru |
mourir | to die | mourant | mort |
naßtre | to be born | naissant | né |
rire | to laugh | riant | ri |
suivre | to follow | suivant | suivi |
vivre | to live | vivant | vécu |
conduire | to drive | conduisant | conduit |
craindre | to fear | craignant | craint |
parvenir | to attain | parvenant | parvenu |
venir | to come | venant | venu |
tenir | to hold | tenant | tenu |
obtenir | to obtain | obtenant | obtenu |
revenir | to come back | revenant | revenu |
devenir | to become | devenant | devenu |
prévenir | to warn | prévenant | prévenu |
souvenir | to remember | souvenant | souvenu |
venir | to come | venant | venu |
partir | to leave | partant | parti |
lire | to read | lisant | lu |
Ă©crire | to write | Ă©crivant | Ă©crit |
croĂźtre | to grow | croissant | crĂ» |
boire | to drink | buvant | bu |
croire | to believe | croyant | cru |
recevoir | to receive | recevant | reçu |
courir | to run | courant | couru |
mourir | to die | mourant | mort |
naßtre | to be born | naissant | né |
rire | to laugh | riant | ri |
rire | to laugh | riant | ri |
suivre | to follow | suivant | suivi |
vivre | to live | vivant | vécu |
conduire | to drive | conduisant | conduit |
craindre | to fear | craignant | craint |
parvenir | to attain | parvenant | parvenu |
venir | to come | venant | venu |
tenir | to hold | tenant | tenu |
obtenir | to obtain | obtenant | obtenu |
revenir | to come back | revenant | revenu |
devenir | to become | devenant | devenu |
prévenir | to warn | prévenant | prévenu |
souvenir | to remember | souvenant | souvenu |
avenir | future | avenant | advenu |
circoncire | to circumcise | circoncisant | circoncis |
déchoir | to deteriorate | déchoyant | déchu |
enduire | to coat | enduisant | enduit |
exclure | to exclude | excluant | exclu |
inscrire | to register | inscrivant | inscrit |
méconnaßtre | to fail to recognize | méconnaissant | méconnu |
prédire | to predict | prédisant | prédit |
réapparaßtre | to reappear | réapparaissant | réapparu |
recroĂźtre | to grow again | recroissant | recrĂ» |
réélire | to re-elect | réélisant | réélu |
renaßtre | to be reborn | renaissant | re-né |
résoudre | to resolve | résolvant | résolu |
sourdre | to spring up | sourdant | sursis |
transcrire | to transcribe | transcrivant | transcrit |
clore | to close | clĂŽtant | clĂŽt |
déclore | to hatch | déclÎtant | déclÎt |
accroĂźtre | to increase | accroissant | accru |
acquérir | to acquire | acquérant | acquis |
affaiblir | to weaken | affaiblissant | affaibli |
assaillir | to assail | assaillant | assailli |
tressaillir | to shiver | tressaillant | tressailli |
ouvrir | to open | ouvrant | ouvert |
offrir | to offer | offrant | offert |
souffrir | to suffer | souffrant | souffert |
couvrir | to cover | couvrant | couru |
cueillir | to pluck | cueillant | cueilli |
vouloir | to want | voulant | voulu |
pleuvoir | to rain | pleuvant | plu |
pouvoir | to be able to | pouvant | pu |
Ă©mouvoir | to move | Ă©mouvant | Ă©mu |
voir | to see | voyant | vu |
envoyer | to send | envoyant | envoyé |
s'asseoir | to sit | s'asseyant | assis |
recevoir | to receive | recevant | reçu |
devoir | to owe | devant | dĂ» |
savoir | to know | sachant | su |
valoir | to be worth | valant | valu |
vouloir | to want | voulant | voulu |
prévoir | to foresee | prévoyant | prévu |
pourvoir | to provide | pourvoyant | pourvu |
se mouvoir | to move | se mouvant | mouvu |
choir | to fall | choyant | chu |
Ă©choir | to be due | Ă©choyant | Ă©chu |
déchoir | to degenerate | déchoyant | déchu |
Ă©mouvoir | to move | Ă©mouvant | Ă©mu |
promouvoir | to promote | promouvant | promu |
se mouvoir | to move | se mouvant | mĂ» |
pleuvoir | to rain | pleuvant | plu |
apparaĂźtre | to appear | apparaissant | apparu |
disparaĂźtre | to disappear | disparaissant | disparu |
paraĂźtre | to seem | paraissant | paru |
connaĂźtre | to know | connaissant | connu |
paĂźtre | to graze | paissant | paĂź |
repaĂźtre | to feast on | repaissant | repaĂź |
surseoir | to suspend | surséant | sursis |
choir | to fall | choyant | chu |
déchoir | to degenerate | déchoyant | déchu |
Ă©choir | to be due | Ă©choyant | Ă©chu |
lire | to read | lisant | lu |
Ă©lire | to elect | Ă©lisant | Ă©lu |
relire | to reread | relisant | relu |
rire | to laugh | riant | ri |
sourire | to smile | souriant | souri |
circoncire | to circumcise | circoncisant | circoncis |
Ă©crire | to write | Ă©crivant | Ă©crit |
décrire | to describe | décrivant | décrit |
transcrire | to transcribe | transcrivant | transcrit |
maudire | to curse | maudissant | maudit |
médire | to slander | médisant | médi |
dire | to say | disant | dit |
contredire | to contradict | contredisant | contredit |
interdire | to forbid | interdisant | interdit |
prédire | to predict | prédisant | prédit |
redire | to repeat | redisant | redit |
croĂźtre | to grow | croissant | cru |
accroĂźtre | to increase | accroissant | accru |
décroßtre | to decrease | décroissant | décru |
recroĂźtre | to grow again | recroissant | recru |
croire | to believe | croyant | cru |
décroire | to distrust | décroyant | décrû |
mécroire | disbelief | mécroyant | mécrû |
acquiescer | to agree | acquiesçant | acquiescé |
affluer | to flow | affluant | afflué |
influer | to influence | influençant | influencé |
affluera | will flow | affluent | afflué |
conclure | to conclude | concluant | conclu |
exclure | to exclude | excluant | exclu |
résoudre | to resolve | résolvant | résolu |
dissoudre | to dissolve | dissolvant | dissous |
absoudre | to absolve | absolvant | absous |
moudre | to grind | moulant | moulu |
résoudre | to resolve | résolvant | résolu |
fondre | to melt | fondant | fondu |
répondre | to answer | répondant | répondu |
correspondre | to correspond | correspondant | correspondu |
tondre | to shear | tondant | tondu |
tordre | to twist | tordant | tordu |
plaindre | to pity | plaignant | plaint |
se plaindre | to complain | se plaignant | s'est plaint |
contraindre | to compel | contraignant | contraint |
Ă©teindre | to extinguish | Ă©teignant | Ă©teint |
ceindre | to gird | ceignant | cinct |
enfreindre | to infringe | enfreignant | enfreint |
astreindre | to compel | astreignant | astreint |
Ă©treindre | to hug | Ă©treignant | Ă©treint |
Ă©preindre | to squeeze | Ă©preignant | Ă©preint |
joindre | to join | joignant | joint |
adjoindre | to adjoin | adjoignant | adjoint |
disjoindre | to separate | disjoignant | disjoint |
oindre | to anoint | oignant | oint |
poindre | to appear | poignant | poin |
rejoindre | to rejoin | rejoignant | rejoint |
restreindre | to restrict | restreignant | restreint |
peindre | to paint | peignant | peint |
empreindre | to stamp | empreignant | empris |
emprunter | to borrow | empruntant | emprunté |
prĂȘter | to lend | prĂȘtant | prĂȘtĂ© |
remettre | to hand over | remettant | remis |
admettre | to admit | admettant | admis |
omettre | to omit | omettant | omis |
promettre | to promise | promettant | promis |
compromettre | to compromise | compromettant | compromis |
transmettre | to transmit | transmettant | transmis |
permettre | to allow | permettant | permis |
soumettre | to submit | soumettant | soumis |
mettre | to put | mettant | mis |
démettre | to dismiss | démettant | démis |
se méprendre | to misunderstand | se méprenant | s'est mépris |
reprendre | to take back | reprenant | repris |
surprendre | to surprise | surprenant | surpris |
apprendre | to learn | apprenant | appris |
entreprendre | to undertake | entreprenant | entrepris |
suspendre | to hang up | suspendant | suspendu |
tendre | to tend | tendant | tendu |
entendre | to hear | entendant | entendu |
vendre | to sell | vendant | vendu |
mésapprendre | to teach badly | mésapprenant | mésappris |
tordre | to twist | tordant | tordu |
mordre | to bite | mordant | mordu |
tordre | to twist | tordant | tordu |
clore | to close | closant | clo |
déclore | to hatch | déclorant | déclus |
enclore | to enclose | enclosant | enclos |
suffire | to be sufficient | suffisant | suffi |
confire | to preserve | confisant | confit |
circoncire | to circumcise | circoncisant | circoncis |
prédire | to predict | prédisant | prédit |
dédire | to retract | dédisant | dédit |
interdire | to forbid | interdisant | interdit |
médire | slander | médisant | médi |
dire | to say | disant | dit |
contredire | to contradict | contredisant | contredit |
maudire | to curse | maudissant | maudit |
redire | to repeat | redisant | redit |
Ă©crire | to write | Ă©crivant | Ă©crit |
décrire | to describe | décrivant | décrit |
transcrire | to transcribe | transcrivant | transcrit |
inscrire | to register | inscrivant | inscrit |
There are more than 200 irregular verbs in French. The list of 200 verbs I provided only covers some of the most common and useful irregular verbs to know.
In total, there are around 400-500 irregular verbs in French, depending on how you count them. This includes:
- Verbs with unpredictable conjugation patterns (like ĂȘtre, avoir, faire, etc.)
- Verbs with spelling changes or accent additions (like commencer, manger, espérer, etc.)
- Verbs with radical stem changes (like prendere, mettre, battre, etc.)
- Defective verbs with missing forms (like choir, Ă©choir, etc.)
So the 200 irregular verbs I listed are just a subset of the total irregular verbs in French.
In short, mastering the most common 200 irregular verbs will get you quite far, but there are between 300-400 additional irregular verbs in French you’ll come across. Focus first on the high frequency and high usage verbs. But be prepared to continually learn new irregular verb patterns.
In summary, regular French verbs follow set conjugation patterns for each type (-er, -ir, -re), while irregular verbs have unique conjugations that must be learned individually. Mastering both is key for fluency. With regular practice, you’ll soon be able to identify and conjugate regular and irregular verbs correctly.